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No other zoo packs in more action-packed encounters with amazing animals, nor conducts exciting, live interactive animal shows each day. Watch crocodiles launch at food hand held by crocodile handlers; by crikey they are game! Get a Dingo kiss. Stroll alongside a Tasmanian Devil, a cheetah or a Bengal Tiger.

Let a snake curl around you. Cuddle a koala, or chat and become acquainted with the zoo’s cute animals who just want to get to know you – over 1000 all told. The two-hour Safari Tour offers the best way to gain an appreciation of Australia Zoo. You will see the zoo’s size, and learn about its history, animal conservation programs, Wildlife Warriors volunteers, 24-hour wildlife hospital service, and its huge collection of fascinating wildlife. The tour also lets you pick the favourite places and animals you want to spend more time with later.

Safari Tours run twice a day.

Daily animal shows to see too.

Please see website for more information