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Located at The Big Pineapple, Wildlife HQ is home to a huge range of Australian and Exotic animal species including Queensland’s only Sun Bear Maly. The zoo is home to over 200 animal species from around the world and boasts one of the largest collections of primates in Queensland. Wildlife HQ is a ZAA (Zoo & Aquarium Association) Accredited facility and is involved in a number of national endangered species management and breeding programs.  Positive animal welfare is the priority of the zoo keepers at Wildlife HQ.

The Zoo is set in a relaxed rain forest environment that allows visitors to explore the naturalistic grounds and meet some truly unique and fascinating animals. You can even book an up-close-and-personal photo encounter with some of your favorite animals. This includes feeding monkeys; meerkats and red pandas. You can even cuddle a koala or a boa constrictor upon booking. By providing unique and memorable animal encounters the zoo aims to inspire visitors to take part in wildlife conservation.

​Please see website for more information on closing times